LPGMindworks Newsletter
  Thoughts Create Reality ...Create The Life You Love!
February 2013    
Photo: Deborah Lindemann CHT Hello, this is Deborah Lindemann, Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Welcome to our February Newsletter: LPGMindworks. 

Hypnosis is the fastest easiest way to change what's not working in your life. This newsletter is dedicated to helping you make the positive changes you desire and deserve. What would you like to change?

I want to wish you all a loving Valentine's Day and thank all of my clients and readers for entrusting me to make a difference in your life.

I have a special gift for you. We now offer FREE MP3 hypnosis programs for your enjoyment and self-growth. Find out more in our message block on the lower left-hand side.

To forward this newsletter to friends & family, please use the"Forward Email" link at the bottom. To learn more about how hypnosis can benefit you and your family, visit our website at: LPGMindworks.com Call us at: 970-412-6973 
In This Issue
Quick Links
How Motivated Are You?
De-Stress by Grounding Yourself
Love Heals
In Closing...
Thought For
The Day


child blowing bubbles


"The key to changing
the world, to changing your life, and to empowering those around you is authenticity - the willingness to be yourself - the willingness to be vulnerable - the willingness to feel -
the willingness to live. I'm simply
reminding you of who you truly are, supporting you into self-love and acceptance by eradicating the judgment that you've imposed on yourself and society has opposed on you." ~Panache


Quick Links


Free MP3's!!

Woman with Headset

Enjoy our free MP3 hypnosis programs. Listen online or download to your computer or iPod. It's our gift to you! We believe everyone should have access to the benefits of hypnosis. Share this page with your friends and family.  

Read More 

Phone Hypnosis
Man on Phone
Enjoy the powerful
benefits of hypnosis
from the comfort of
your home or office.
Available nationwide.

Read More

 Motivated Woman
  How Motivated
       Are You?

Would you like to feel more motivated? In fact sometimes do you just feel stuck or unable to move forward with your goals? You're not alone. I've got a great secret to share with you about motivation. In last month's newsletter we talked about ways to stop procrastination and what it actually costs you. There are many reasons people choose to procrastinate that may prevent true motivation. Read More 

De-stress by
Grounding Yourself!


How stressed are you these days? Most of my clients find that they have developed a habit of being stressed. There are many reasons why people feel stressed which is the subject for another article. In this article, I want to share with you a simple tool to de-stress and reconnect with your self and your sanity. Read More  




                    Love Heals Premature Twins

In light of Valentine's Day, I thought this article was worth repeating. This is one of the most precious true stories I have ever read and shows the power of love to heal.



A Sister's Helping Hand
Who can measure the special
bond of twins?


by Nancy Sheehan 
Reader's Digest - May 1996 
Pages 155-156

Condensed from Worcester Telegram & Gazette - November 18, 1995



Heidi and Paul Jackson's twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born October 17, 1995, 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Standard hospital practice is to place preemie twins in separate incubators to reduce the risk of infection. that was done for the Jackson girls in the neonatal intensive care unit at The Medical Center of Central Massachusetts in Worcester. Read More


       March 2013 Newsletter...Don't miss our next issue!

Woman Eating Dessert

                  Next month don't 
                 miss our article on... 
  Stopping Your Sugar Addiction for Good! 
In Closing...

If you have ideas, suggested topics, testimonials or feedback, we would love to hear from you. I hope you have enjoyed reading LPGMindworks Newsletter. By sharing this newsletter, with friends and family, we have the capacity to change lives for the better, empowering one person at a time. To forward this newsletter, please use the link below. Thank you for being you!

Contact Info
Deborah Lindemann CHT - 2004 Simsbury Ct. - Forsyth, CO 80524 970-412-6973